New PrintMyDocuments website
At the Libraries Connected Seminar last week, we launched our new website to help libraries promote their Wi-Fi...
New PrintMyDocuments website
Getting out and about
We’ll be at Libraries Connected 2022
See you at CILIPS 2022
Knowsley Library Service introduces Wi-Fi printing
Helping libraries do their bit for the environment
Middlesbrough Libraries use Arts Council Funding to revamp digital offering
The rise of self-service
Wireless Cloud Print self-service
Insight Media accredited for Technology Excellence in Libraries
PC users can book ahead with the Internet Booking Module
Printing from Hublets
And the winner is...
Libraries addressing the digital divide
Harrow Libraries IT Service Migration
CILIPS Autumn Regathering
Libraries Connected 2021
Libraries Week 2021
Keeping Covid-safe as libraries re-open
Time to outsource your hosting?